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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Atlanta Magazine Shoot

I was waiting for him to call... to call and tell me he didn't need my help anymore. I was doing it for free so, who would turn that down, but I still expected THE call. I was invited to assist Ken Schneiderman Wednesday on a photo shoot for Atlanta Magazine. To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement. I told everyone. I tried to keep my big mouth shut, but I just couldn't help myself. Ken is a celebrity photographer who has shot everyone from President Bush to Miley Cyrus. Yea.. for real... and I had an opportunity to go on the shoot with him and watch him work!

After I spoke with Ken on the phone it all became real. I really was going to go! I slept about 3 hours Tuesday night. I was like a kid on Christmas eve. I woke up Wednesday morning, got my coffee fix, and drove down to Locust Grove. I was so afraid of being late and of course hitting Atlanta Traffic, that I arrived 30 minutes early.

I met Ken and another assistant Chris(the REAL assistant) and we went to set up. Everything was outdoors, so we had a lot to set up. Ken threw out a bunch of directions as to what he wanted and I have to be honest, I had no idea what any of it meant. I felt like a moron. I had never worked with outdoor set up or lighting, let alone knew what any of it was called.

I decided to do the ol pick stuff up and look like I know what I am doing... but that lasted about a minute. It was obvious I had no idea. Ken gave me pointed instructions and Chris began to walk me through what each thing was and what it did. Thank goodness they were nice! They would talk about fashion photographers they had worked with and experiences on set. Geez...I was lost.

Eventually everything was set up and we needed to test the light. I jotted down some camera settings and Chris and I took turns posing so Ken could check everything. I was starting to feel comfortable.

The shoot was at Noah's Ark. This place is unbelievable. "Noah's Ark is a rehabilitation center for animals and a group home for children from birth to 18 years old. The non-profit facility is home to over 1,000 animals and is licensed by the State of Georgia to provide residential care for up to 24 children." ( They have all kinds of animals- its like a zoo! Admission is free and completely run by donations. If you have the time, it is definitely something to check out!

We(Ken) shot at 3 different locations. He even pulled out a 4X5 camera! These are the old school cameras that use film and Polaroids. The great thing the end of the day, when it was time to tear down I felt useful- I knew what I was doing! I really learned a lot and it was great to see another photographer in action. It was validating to see his process and how mine compared. I am so grateful for the opportunity and hope that I actually helped some too!

The spread is scheduled to be in the December or January issue. I'll be sure to post!

In the meantime, here is a sneak peek of a recent family session. More to come soon!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Broome Family Session

Sorry it has been soooo long since my last post. Blogspot has proven to be difficult. I have tried several times, only to have it erase or pop up with error messages. (I blame the server, although it may really be my lack of HTML knowledge).

This is a family session I did for my roommate Jennifer. It was sooo hot outside we decided to stick to the shade for the shoot. We were all drenched with sweat by the end.

Just to prove that my roommate does exist(for those of you who have yet to meet her) you will see her in a picture below- with a caption to make sure you don't miss her! :) Not only do you now get to see her, but also her family!


I love this face!

Here she is! Jennifer roommate! (She's on the left).