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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Grumpy Dwarf

Yesterday I was really... the sun was shining, the weather was perfect.and I wanted to have a grumpfest all of my own. BY.MY.SELF.

That night my friend Jennifer came over for some girl time to cheer me up and we decided to make chili...mmmmm warm chili and cornbread. It was as good as you are imagining. In fact, I can't wait to go home and eat some more.

Today it is pouring rain, windy, and cold...and I couldn't be happier! Seriously! Yesterday I was down and hard on myself. I was sitting at a job that has nothing to do with my dreams and felt completely hopeless.
So I had some time with God and decided to read. To read anything I could find about photography, and I stumbled across 14 articles written by photographer extraordinaire Jasmine Star. If you haven't heard me talk about her yet you are lucky, because I am kinda OBSESSED! Anyway the articles inspired me.
Inspired me to define my style and who I am. To not compare myself to other photographers and what they are doing, but to set my own course. The flame to pursue my dream is re-ignited.  I am beginning the process of goal setting and defining my personality for my business. To go for it and not give up. No matter how long it takes.

That being said- Thank you everyone who has commented, emailed, or spoken kind words about my photos and this business venture I am on. It really means a lot and fuels the process even more. I really appreciate it and am touched by your kind words!

I found this picture of a t-shirt company and thought it was a jovial representation of my mood yesterday. Bedazzled jewels and all.