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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

WPPI '09! ( Wedding and Portrait Photographers International)

I spent Sunday night laying in bed listening to the downpours of rain, not a wink of sleep. LITERALLY!(check my facebook statuses for proof). I have never experienced such relentless amounts rain and thunder. At 6 a.m., my friend Evelyn called, also unable to sleep, and filled me on on the road conditions. It seemed as if everything was shut if we weren't going to make it to the convention.

But alas! We had been waiting for this for months and were not about to miss it because of the first time since I can remember... Georgia flooding. We hopped in the car and braved the roadways. I called my friend Lora on the way for updates(she was ahead) and we navigated the roads. Arriving half an hour late, we snuck though the cracked door, trying not to make a ruckus as we slid past people to get to the few chairs that sat vacant. I spent the next 20 minutes trying to focus as the speaker continued her presentation, my mind unwinding from the adventures of driving.

We had a session break and that was when the fun really began...we could talk! I met up with Lora and different vendors and mingled with other photographers that were from Atlanta. The rest of the day was spent learning and socializing.

Then we reached the last session of the day...To say I was exctied would be an understatement, especially since I was sitting next to Lora, who was a giddy as could be. You would have thought she just met Tom Cruise! We had been waiting for this...It was time for Kevin Kubota's session. In the photography world- he's like a legend! He's created tools for editing that would be comparable to the idea of sliced bread! He's KEVIN KUBOTA! We listened intently to every word, not wanting to miss a thing. I was re-inspired by this convention and ready to go shoot- to put into practice all that I had learned!

So tonight, my roommate came home from the salon with her hair all done - she is testing hair styles for her upcoming wedding :) and I said "hey, lets take some pictures!" I had her squat in front of the refrigerator for a background. Whatever works! Here's one of a few more to come.

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